How gigb2b works

POST A GIG: It’s fast, easy, & free to post a Gig!

Create a Profile

Create a free business profile at gigb2b

Post a Gig

Post a gig and receive instant bids from professionals and businesses that want to work for you.

Select the Winner

Select the best service and price for your project and start working together.

BID ON A GIG: It’s fast and easy to bid on Gigs and make more money

Create a Profile

Create a free business profile at gigb2b.

Bid on a Gig

Bid on new gigs that match your specialty and interest.

Work with your new client.

Start working with your new clients and make more money.

Join our happy members using gigb2b!

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Happy Clients

As a freelancer designer, I’ve used several freelance websites. Although gigb2b doesn’t have some of the features other sites have, it is a simple to use platform that anyone can use and their customer service is fantastic.

Dawn, Graphic Designer

Thank you gigb2b! We have now used your service for a new logo, business card, brochure, postcard, and today we hired our accountant through your site. Your site and service Rocks! By the way, where did you come up with such a cool name?

Josie, Salon Owner

Thank you gigb2b. I won a project today to work with a huge international company. I would never of been able to win this type of project if it wasn’t for your site. PS, I love your service but would love it even more if you would let me improve your website design.

Rose, Web designer

Gigb2b appears to be growing extremely quickly which amazes me even more knowing that when I called the other day to ask about finalizing a bid, I found out I was actually speaking with the president of the company and he answers customer calls just like everyone else. A loyal member for life!

Zack, Project Manager