Let's Work Together - Hire Me
Milica Simic's Profile


Greetings. We are small team of freelancers from Serbia.

Our Members include

- Mladen who is tm leader

- Milica

- Emma

- Nenad

All of us are students, who are looking for part time freelancing jobs. Mladen is IT, Milica is in political and social sciences, Emma engineer and Nenad is also IT.


We offer wide range of skills and our team can be valuable asset to your bushiness.

Some of our traits

- Dedicated to job

- Eager to learn

- High IQ individuals

- Successful students

- All-round knowledge from various subjects.

Some of our skills include

- Excel, macros, accounting,

- DataEntry. All of us have blind typing skills and can type from 60-80 wpm average.

- web scrapping

- Web research

- Virtual assistants

And soon, we will offer website design and website development suits.

Tnx for checking out our profile. :)

From : (Belgrade, , Yugoslavia)

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