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Shailendra Sakharwade's Profile


I am shailen from India .I live Tumsar town close to Nagpur city in maharastra state.

I am watching pople are making money online since long time, I tried lot but failed. I get reliable platform I assure I will do my best I have essential knowelege of surfing internet if any skill is needed, I will manage it further till then kindly help me how I can be useful to you and make money online


I don't what you actually needed I just have surfing knowelege, heard pople make money online whatched ad in newspaper, internet

Skill I have is just surfing knowlege, Ms office knowelege, marketing & sales, insurance products sell, pople hear bid for online work sites and well established and hiring staff

From : (Tumsar, Outside-US, United States)

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My Skills
Marketing and sales
Internet surfing
Insurance products sale
Overseas education and emmigration
Real estate , travel and tours

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