I am Amara Sikander a youthful & eager fashioner structure Lahore, Pakistan. I have done my Bachelors in Fine Arts with real in Graphic outline. also, now recently i did my masters in Graphic Design. Workmanship & configuration has a vital part in my life. I truly appreciate doing anything identified with configuration; whether its a notice, a logo, a liveliness, outline, typography, photography
I would say; I see myself as truly blessed, as I got opportunity to work with best customers & organizations which helped me to improve thought of business patterns & made me prepared to work all the more altogether in expert life. I am enthusiastic, cooperative person, starter toward oneself, self-spurred, an easygoing gamer, music lover,painter,photographer & an individual who constantly need to investigate something new.
I do Advertising, branding, print design, applications, photography, animation,illustrations and user interfaces.I'll gladly work on your project as well!
From : (lahore, Outside-US, Pakistan)

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