Full time consultant working with various companies and different technologies to increase work flow processes, the efficiency and effectiveness in existing applications, and handle contract-based full stack software development.
Currently employed as a Salaried Professional / Full Time.NET Software Consultant by Robert Half
Also Enrolled as a Full Time Online Student at Southeast Missouri State University
Expected Graduation Date – Summer 2017
- Majoring In – (CIS) Computer & Information Systems
- Minoring in – Business Administration
Skill-set examples include:
- Have experience in developing web sites and graphic design.
- .NET Framework C#, Full Stack developer
- JS Libraries: KnockoutJS, Angular 1.6.3 and Angular2JS , ReactJS
- Experience with SQL Server Management Studio 2014 and SSRS / Crystal Reports
- An infatuation with application development and programming, ambitious while working towards lea
ing the full-stack.
- Ability to multitask with ease, work with fluency under pressure, and I tend to think of multiple solutions to one problem.
Have current relevant knowledge/practical experience involving application development in:
- SQL Server Management Studio 2016, Transact-SQL, SSRS Reports: utilizing both Microsoft BIDS and Crystal
- Visual Studio 2015 Pro
-.NET Core, MVC, Web, and WPF Applications
- .NET Framework [C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, Web Services/APIs, Handlers, Models, Controllers]
- HTML5- XML- CSS3 - Javascript - jQuery- KnockoutJS - [ajax / http posts, gets, json -]
- C++ object oriented programming
- Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Web Design
- Java, Eclipse, Android Applications
Some of my future career goals include an individual with the following mindset:
- Natural talent for web-design, development, SEO,mobile applicability, database connection, jQuery, Javascript, frront and back .net development
- Gaining more knowledge and lea
ing newer frameworks and utilizing them, such as Sass, knockoutJS, node, angular 1.6.3 and angular2.
- Hard working, focused, and goal oriented individual: with a mind set on achieving success as a developer utilizing my degree in the Information Systems field, I expect nothing from less from myself.
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