Let's Work Together - Hire Me
John layfield's Profile


Our leadership history has shaped our operating style. We trace our roots back to a group of 1920s investors led by George Ohrstrom, Sr. Ohrstrom targeted financially successful family or closely-held businesses whose owners not only wished to monetize their assets, but also hoped to provide a secure future for their employees and remain personally involved with their companies. This hands-on, strategy-driven acquisition model is still fundamental to our business today. Ohrstrom preferred modestly sized, profitable enterprises run by first-class people who understood their businesses and customers, and could continue to be successful. This is the mindset at Dover today. In the century since Ohrstrom's ambitious beginnings, our six CEOs have diligently worked to develop Dover into a company of tomorrow without forgetting the strategy and integrity of our past.


I am Mr John Layfield, The Hiring manager to the firm(Dover Corporation),Am here to brief and interview you more about the opening positions

From : (Chicago, Illinois, United States)

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