Young Indian passionate about Web and curious to discover new technologies, I have Completed MCA . Therefore, I would like to offer my expertise to your benefits.
Would you like to carry out a personnal website or create a digital identity for your company or your own business? I assure you my skills. First, we will study together your expectations in order for me, to introduce a corporate identity and style guide. If you have not ideas yet, do not hesitate to explain what are the general approaches of your project, so that I could suggest you adapted solutions.
Once your website is done, I will help you to upload the site online and follow the maintenance of it. I remain at your disposal for any further information regarding the website. I will be pleased to show you my proficiency and I am looking forward to doing new business with you.
Web Designing,Web Re-Designing, Web Development
From : (Siliguri, , India)

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