Let's Work Together - Hire Me
Rashmi Nandwana's Profile


Our services :

Web Designing, Web development, SEO, App development(Android & IOS), Development in all types of CMS’s like: Wordpress, Joomla, ROR, Magento, Shopify, etc.


I will provide you 100 % SATISFACTION that is MY GUARANTEE.

Over the past 5 years I have been working full time as a web DESIGNER and DEVELOPER on many projects. I'd like to be part of interesting new web applications whether it requires building from scratch or enhancing and maintaining existing code. My main development skills are in Custom Responsive Designing, HTML, BootStrap, CSS, Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce, Drupal, Joomla, ROR, WordPress, Javascript + jQuery, AngularJs, AJAX, Twitter Bootstrap, LESS on the client side and PHP + MySql on the server side.

From : (Indore, , India)


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