I would like to express my interest and be part of your esteemed organization. A true team builder with natural motivation and strong analytically problem solving skills, richly awarded for my performance, I hold the responsibility of keeping my energy levels and performance standards up and high.
I sincerely wish to add value to the organization with full dedication, my creativity and passion to think differently. I would be highly obliged if you consider my application and give me a chance for the same. On my part I can assure you that with my qualifications and experience accompanied with the knowledge and skill acquired during my job period, I would be able to make a meaningful and significant contribution to your organization.
A tour through my enclosed resume shall familiarize you with the details and I am confident in my credential you would find a perfect match for any position available.
My years of experience working Home based on line as Virtual Assistant, Data Encoder, Customer Service, Supervisor, Recruiter, Social Media Marketing, E-mail Marketing/Trainer and other skills includes Adobe Photoshop, Excel, Power Point/Web development & Design should you find a good match in any position available that would fit my acquired knowledge and proficiency.
Looking forward to read back from you soon and thanks in advance for sparing your time, shall much appreciate a call for an interview.
Web Development, Virtual Assistant
From : (Manila, , Philippines)

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