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maruful islam's Profile
Thank you for viewing my profile! I am a detailed and through professional with over 2 years. My name is Maruf, from Bangladesh, 20 years old. I'm very good in programming and web developing. More then 4+ years in web programming.
I began as a designer in 2008 capable of writing horrific HTML. Fortunately I was persistent enough to stick with it long enough to understand the importance of semantic markup.
Today I'm predominantly a WEB programmer, although much of my time is spent on the front-end of things gently massaging CSS to work with varying browsers.
Over the last few years, most of my projects have been 1-man teams. I have worked for various smaller enterprises which didn't require many more sets of hands, so I was responsible for designing relational-databases, developing the base of our projects or choosing an appropriate CMS or framework to build upon, and for the front-end graphics, markup, and ui-enhancements via javascript (or jQuery)
1- Static HTML & CSS design and development.
2 - Use of Wordpress as a CMS to manage any type of websites.
3 - Professional Wordpress design and development.
4- Fix hacked wordpress blogs and sites.
5- Wordpress installation, Upgrade and hosting transfer.
From : (Dhaka, , Bangladesh)

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