Let's Work Together - Hire Me
Blake O'Ruairi's Profile


Irish, and here.


My direction is to offer and give solid, usable websites for an acceptable cost.

What I mean is that each site is built into a fresh custom child theme, of whichever main theme has been chosen (codex.wordpress.org/child_themes) - think of a child theme as an electrical cutout for your website, if spam and crap is the 'electric' part.

That child theme is then customized by me to give your look,style and "feel" to the site - the fluffy/feel good parts - with the content you supply (pic's, video's, infographic's, written content etc.)

Adding functions and capabilities will of course be important

(what DO you want the site to do for you? Lead gathering? selling those CDB widgets you build?It's a basic "I love goldfish!" site? Full fledged e-commerce store with social/viral abilities, auto shipping and makes you a cup of tea too??)

which is where WordPresses almost endless versatility comes into play.


WordPress development

CRO (conversion ratio optimization - you rather 1000 visitors and 5 sales or 50 visitors, 6 sales? CRO)

I started this company - me - due to the simple fact that I was soo pi**ed off while working in CRO when I had to wait a day sometimes more, for even the smallest change to happen on sites I was working in. This of course was due to way too many oversea's sub-contractors.

From that point I educated myself - still am, educating, that is - in WordPress that I thankfully had a decent understanding of to allow me to make the additions, include the changes required, without waiting,

1.4 years later things are still ticking over, averaging a couple sites per month and a large project every 2 months.

I use hellobonsai.com for contracts (please do check them out, they protect both you as a client and me as a provider~) and Paypal for invoicing when hired directly.

From : (Atlanta, Georgia, United States)


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